For us, yoga is a way of life.  It has the power to transform lives for the better in those who regualrly practise.  Let us show you the virtues of this complete health tool.  Yoga is not only a physical modality but draws on philosophy, breathe work and lifestyle practices, which facilitate human mastery and true success.  There is something for everyone in yoga, whether you’re interested in bringing more peace and relaxation to your everyday life, developing distress tolerance, cultivating a mindful perspective, weight management and caring for your physical health or simply finding an emotional and energetic release (this is not an exhaustive list!).

There are many forms of yoga asana practice to choose from and enjoy (asana is Sanskrit for posture/pose).  By experimenting with the various styles, of yoga, you will find one to suit your needs at any given time.  Some days a power flow may be calling you while others a more calming and rejuvenating yin practice.


Restorative yoga aims to guide people into a calm, peaceful and settled state. Unlike more dynamic forms of asana, restorative is yin-like in quality, with long holds and a focus on relaxation so that one finishes a class feeling more grounded and restored.


Power classes are full of yang energy with strong flowing sequences to build internal heat, raise your heart rate and develop strength.  These classes can be heated to even further raise your metabolism and make you sweat.  Power yoga leaves you feeling empowered, strong, detoxed and well.


Vinyasa yoga uses a series of poses tied together to the breath to anchor you into the present moment and develop breath awareness.  With time and practice you can learn to flow from one pose to another in a single breath.  This way, the sequence is akin to a beautiful movement meditation.  When vinyasa is paired with a matching playlist it can even feel like a meditative dance.  Vinyasa is often less dynamic than power yoga but can be equally as challenging and aerobic especially if guided using more advanced sequences.  Alternatively, using a simple and slow vinyasa flow is a nice way to introduce beginners to yoga.


Party yoga classes.  Ataraxia Collective loves house music with yoga.  Expect a dynamic vinyasa flow paired with uplifting vocals & a four-four beat.  These classes are all about having fun and tapping into that “dance-floor feeling” but in a mindful way and without the hangover the next day!  Sounds interesting? Book us in at your next hens or birthday or come along to one of our house music party events.  If house music ain’t your bag, then let us know what is & your favourite track, so we can tailor make a class all for you.

To enquire about Dr Ward contributing to your next event or to request further information, please contact us.